My ninth project for the Game A Week course during my second year of my Bachelors degree.

Week 9 Theme: Gift

Controls are:

W - Move Forward 

A - Move Left

S - Move Backwards

D - Move Right

Space Bar - Jump

R - Restart the game and go back to the menu

Left Click - Interact with objects such as the door and memories which are indicated by small particles 

Note: If you want to reset the counter at the top refresh the web page

The theme for this weeks game was gift where we had to make a game for someone we know, i decided to create this game for a very close friend of mine. I also spent a lot of time on the project to make it look appealing and functional. The objects and quotes spread throughout the game are references to things that this person would understand. The level design is also based on a place that this person will recognise. 

External Assets:

Modular First Person Controller created by JeCase on the Unity Asset Store

Sound effects and Music:

Menu Music - "Calm & relaxing music #4" created by BloodPixelHero - Sourced from

Game Music - "Calm & relaxing music #2" created by BloodPixelHero - Sourced from

Door Opening - "Front Door Opening" created by InspectorJ - Sourced from

Item interaction - "pegou2.mp3" created by filippys - Sourced from

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